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rustin cohle造句

  • For his role as Rustin Cohle, he won the Critics'Choice Television Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series.
  • Its story follows McConaughey ( as detective Rustin Cohle ) and Harrelson ( as Martin Hart ) and their pursuit of a serial killer over a seventeen year period.
  • The first season explores the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of a relationship between two Louisiana homicide detectives, Martin Hart and Rustin Cohle, as they hunt for a serial killer in coastal Louisiana.
  • Also, during episode 2 of " True Detective " the audience learns of Rustin Cohle's previous law enforcement history including participation in the HIDTA program including detailing the effects and consequences of participating in such programs.
  • It's something really important as I feel I'm going into my better work . " To prepare for the role, McConaughey created a 450-page analysis the " Four Stages of Rustin Cohle "  to study his character's evolution during the season.
  • It s something really important as I feel I m going into my better work . " To prepare, the actor studied his character through what he described the " Four Stages of Rustin Cohle ", a 450-page document he created detailing Rustin's evolution over the course of the story.
  • It's difficult to see rustin cohle in a sentence. 用rustin cohle造句挺难的
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